End of Life Care in Hampshire
We understand that choosing a care home for end-of-life care is a difficult decision. At Allenbrook we aim to help by providing compassionate end-of-life care, built around the wishes of each individual and their family. Our experienced staff ensure that each resident is cared for in peaceful surroundings, with the support needed to ensure comfort and dignity.

Understanding End-of-Life Care
Also referred to as palliative care, end-of-life care provides physical and emotional support alongside medical care in the last weeks or months of life.
This will often involve:
- Providing pain relief and managing other symptoms
- Helping with everyday tasks, including personal care
- Providing emotional support
- Supporting and involving key family members and friends
Our priority at Allenbrook is ensuring each person in our care maintains their dignity, no matter their condition or stage of life. This is never more important than during end-of-life care, which is why we create bespoke care plans with each resident and their families.
Our Approach
Across all the care we provide, we take a person-centred approach, and this doesn’t stop when a resident starts to receive end-of-life care.
Each resident will be at the heart of any decisions about their care. We work closely with everyone involved to create a care plan that reflects the person’s individual needs and wishes.
Each of our team members is experienced and trained to care for loved ones at this important time.
This time is not only about the resident, but also about their family, so while our care plans are focused around the individual receiving the care, our staff have experience and training in helping family members at this emotional time.
Friends and family are able to visit without restriction, and, as part of our admission process, we agree a plan to ensure essential information and updates are shared with key family members.

Calming Environment For End-Of-Life Care
Nestled on the edge of Fordingbridge, our care home benefits from extensive gardens with a peaceful rural backdrop, which enhances the feeling of calm and tranquility.
We have a range of room types and sizes available, with most rooms offering a view of the beautiful grounds and countryside beyond.
Discuss End-Of-Life Care With Us
Inevitably, this is a difficult time for everyone involved, but our mission at Allenbrook is to help not just the individual but the family too.
We will ensure medical support and care for the resident as well as emotional support to the individual and family.
Our staff will work together to ensure your loved one's dignity is kept while receiving care while also improving their quality of life.
If you’d like to discuss end-of-life care, get in touch with us today by calling 01425 656589 or emailing us at admin@allenbrook-fordingbridge.co.uk.