Care Home Checklist

Choosing a care home for yourself or a loved one is one of the most important decisions you will make. You want to make sure that the home offers everything yourself or your loved one needs and is a happy, comfortable and safe place to live. Finding out as much as you can about a care home, the staff and its facilities, will help you make an informed decision.

The team at Allenbrook Nursing Care in Fordingbridge, has created this handy checklist for you to take with you and help you choose the right care home: 

Location & building

  • If you visit by car, is there free parking available?
  • Is the approach to the care home tidy and well-kept?
  • Is there a garden and outdoor space available?
  • Were you made to feel welcome upon entering the home?
  • Are entrances and rooms in the home easily accessible?

Day-to-day life

  • Is the care home clean, well looked after and odour-free?
  • Do the staff seem engaged and attentive?
  • Do the residents appear happy?
  • Does the home have a good relationship with the local GP practice?
  • Does the home have a visiting hairdresser, chiropodist and or any other therapists?
  • Does the care home have suitable equipment for people with mobility issues?


  • Do the staff interact well with the residents?
  • Do staff members respect the privacy and dignity of the residents in their care?
  • Do staff take the time to get to know residents personally?
  • Can staff be seen readily available around the care home?
  • Are you able to meet the Home Manager?

Communal areas

  • Do residents have a variety of living areas to choose from?
  • Is there easy access to all areas of the home?
  • Is the garden accessible for residents with mobility problems?
  • Are the lounges or other sitting rooms comfortable and well-furnished?
  • Is there a lift in the home?


  • Can residents choose where they eat, e.g. in a dining room or in their room?
  • Do residents have a choice of menu?
  • Can special dietary requirements be catered for?
  • Do residents receive assistance with eating if required?
  • Can residents make drinks for themselves and have access to snacks when hungry?


  • Are rooms equipped with suitable furniture including an electric profiling bed?
  • Do the bedrooms have en-suite facilities if needed?
  • Can residents bring their own furniture and personal items?
  • What sort of nurse-call system is available?


  • Do residents have the opportunity to pursue their hobbies and interests?
  • Are there dedicated activities organisers?
  • Do activities take place outside the care home?
  • Are special events, such as birthdays and religious holidays celebrated?
  • Do the staff give residents the opportunity to help with activities within the care home, e.g. gardening or cooking?
  • Do the staff arrange entertainers and groups of interest to visit?
  • Do the staff give residents regular exercise opportunities?
  • Do staff consult with residents on the types of activities planned?

Visits from family & friends

  • Does the care home welcome visitors at any time?
  • Are children allowed to visit?
  • Does the care home allow family pets to visit?
  • Can visitors dine with their relative/friend?

The staff at Allenbrook will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!
