
Effective Communication Strategies with Dementia Patients

Dementia can profoundly impact the way people communicate, making it challenging for patients to express their thoughts, needs, and emotions. For families, caregivers, and loved ones, ...

What is the difference between a nursing home and a care home?

As one of Hampshire’s leading nursing homes, we get asked a lot of questions by people looking for a residential home for their loved one. One question we get asked the most is, ...

Why is respite care important?

Respite care is vital for caregivers of close family members, especially those who need 24-hour care due to an illness or health condition. There are many benefits to respite care for ...

What’s life at Allenbrook like?

Transitioning into a care home can be a frightening experience. After all, it’s an entirely new environment, filled with unfamiliar faces, changed routines, and a different way o...

How our care home has adapted to the coronavirus outbreak

The current situation we find ourselves in is highly unprecedented, and everyone has needed to make significant changes to their daily lives. Across UK care homes, more stringent measu...

7 top tips for healthy ageing

Growing older is a natural part of life and one we should all embrace. Our experienced carers share their top tips for how you can stay happy and healthy in older age.

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